Who We Are
The Fredericton Shambhala Centre is part of Shambhala, an international community of more than 200 meditation centres and groups founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
Shambhala is dedicated to the view that a dignified life based on meditative understanding is accessible to everyone and can blossom into an enlightened society. Contemplative practices bring into our ordinary lives a natural sense of goodness, fearlessness, and humor.
The Shambhala Buddhist path, unique in the world of Western Buddhism, combines the teachings of the Kagyü and Nyingma traditions of Tibetan Buddhism with the Shambhala principles of living an uplifted life, fully engaged with the world. Shambhala Meditation Centres welcome anyone interested in the practice of meditation and anyone who aspires to expand the experience of gentleness and nonaggression into all areas of life.
Open to all regardless of age, race, or religion, the Fredericton Shambhala Centre is home to a vibrant, diverse community of members and friends who provide ongoing volunteer and financial support – creating a warm, genuine basis for the realizing the full potential of our authentic wisdom traditions.
The Fredericton Shambhala Centre is a non-profit organization with a small budget run by a Council of volunteers. We have no paid staff. Our Council is run on a three-pillar system of governance. David Seabrook is Centre Director and is head of the leadership pillar; Dan Keating is Rusung, head of the protection & service pillar; and Brigitte Maicher is Director of Practice & Education, head of the teaching pillar. We aspire to complete transparency in our finances and operations. Our financial statements are posted on the bulletin board at the Centre.